Sunday, July 26, 2015

Lynched for having tanned swimsuit “no religious reason” according to prosecutors –

Enjoy the sun when a woman he will become an activity to avoid? A Reims 21, who had decided to take a Wednesday sunbathing at Léo Lagrange Park Reims has indeed been beaten on that ground, reports the regional daily L’Union.

Accompanied by few friends, she quietly when bronzed girls from different parts of the city pass nearby. One of them calls him by making him that his outfit is light.

The young woman bristled explaining that we did not dictate his way of dressing.

when the bottom group of the young girl in a swimsuit for pummel. Witnesses shall give it aid and alerted the fire department. Balance beating: four days of total incapacity for work

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The investigation of the violence of repression brigade has helped to identify the five girls, including two minors. The first, 16, has been summoned before the prosecutor delegate while the second, 17, was placed under the status of assisted witness. The other three aged 18, 19 and 24 will be judged on September 24 by the Criminal Court.

Sunday, the Commissioner stated permance AFP he was an “altercation girls [a] escalated after one of the authors of the attack said: ‘Go get dressed, it’s not summer “. “One of the women arrested and did not let her and it turned violent.” Prosecutors in Reims dismissed “any religious motive” behind the altercation

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